Google Cloud
8 min read

5 ways startups can benefit from using Google Cloud technology

Published on
September 8, 2020
Aliz Team
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5 ways startups can benefit from using Google Cloud technology

The startup sphere is as rewarding as is it grueling. The highs are mountainous, but the lows can be, well, you get it. That’s why it’s extremely important to set you and your team up for success from the get-go. Many startups have opted to use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) solutions as the technical foundation for their business. We’ve gathered some of the main reasons using Google Cloud technology is an excellent choice to give you a competitive edge.

Seamless scaling

When you choose Google Cloud technology for your infrastructure needs, you open yourself up to a world of seamless scaling. No more struggling with the internal limitations of IT resources. Google Cloud lets you grow at the pace you need to, with virtually no downtime. A great example of this is Emarsys, an independent marketing platform (as well as a wonderful client of ours). The Emarsys team took advantage of Google Cloud technology and implemented a scalable data platform to fit their needs. The platform, built using BigQuery and complementary tools, equips the team with quality data at a scale that allows them to maximize their use of analytics and AI capabilities. The platform didn’t even break a sweat when it successfully handled 250,000 events per second during their Black Friday peak and it shows no sign of slowing down any time soon.

Support from some of the world’s top engineers at your fingertips

Let’s face it, it’s almost always better to work smarter, not harder. Implementing Google Cloud tools into your tech stack is like adding a team of top-tier engineers to your business. These tools are built, used, and constantly improved by some of the world’s top developers. This means your dev team can be freed from time-costly maintenance and allowed to focus on projects that bring value to your core business operations. Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Only pay only for what you use

Now for the ever-sensitive topic for any business: price. So far, we’ve painted a lovely picture of what your business can look like when you add Google Cloud to your toolbelt, but how much is all of this going to cost? It’s a fair question that deserves a fair answer: You only pay for what you use. That’s right! And Google has a great quote as to why that is: “Building data centers is not your business.” But building a future-ready company is. When using Google Cloud tools, you get the most accurate, down-to-the-second pricing with plenty of opportunities for discounts.

Extra support from Google Cloud Platform resell partnerships

You have someone to hold your hand through your entire cloud journey if you ever feel like you could optimize your license use. Google Cloud has a network of official GCP Resellers, like us, to ensure you harness Google Cloud technology in a way that fuels long-term business success. There are several advantages to partnering with a reseller, such as paying the same price for licenses as you pay directly through Google but getting extra, customizable support for free. These can include an audit, a specialized training workshop, implementation, or a combination package. All the nifty benefits can be found in our previous blog post here.

A page dedicated specifically to Google Cloud for startups

If these reasons aren’t enough, there’s more, like an entire space dedicated to getting startups the GCP support they need. It’s full of information on training and cloud credits you can take advantage of through the Google Cloud for Startups program. There are also testimonials from a plethora of happy startup-ers who have embarked on their Google Cloud adventure, as well as a startup blog, podcasts, and Medium articles you are free to browse for your daily dose of inspiration. Interested in exploring Google Cloud solutions for your business, or about how Aliz can make your cloud journey easier? We’d be happy to chat!

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